Support Valor
Help us keep Valor online! In exchange, we offer ranks, cosmetic crates, skin packs and global loot boost tokens. All ranks inherit previous ranks.
We have a zero refund policy.
Kantos are our Premium Currency! These can be exchanged in our nexus for tons of rewards! You can purchase cosmetic pets, cosmetic crates, global loot boosts, character slots, vault chests, skin effects(fancy animations!) and way more! Check out our ingame shops for an idea of what's in rotation as well!
600 Kantos
Will deposit a 600 Kantos onto your account. Can be spent be in our nexus & grove kanto shops!
1400 Kantos
Will deposit 1400 Kantos onto your account. Can be spent be in our Nexus & Grove kanto shops!
3200 Kantos
Will deposit a 3200 Kantos onto your account. Can be spent be in our nexus kanto shops!
8000 Kantos
Will deposit 8000 Kantos onto your account. Can be spent be in our nexus kanto shops!
13500 Kantos
Will deposit 13500 Kantos onto your account. Can be spent be in our nexus & grove kanto shops!
23500 Kantos.
Will deposit 23500 Kantos onto your account. Can be spent be in our nexus kanto shops!
Custom Emotes, Skins & Pet Skins : if you've ever had an idea, and want it for yourself, this is a great way to support Valor, and get your very own exclusive.
All customs are BYOS (Bring Your Own Sprite). This is to keep costs down, and to not lock anyone into something they do not want. What this means is you are expected to have the sprite for your package. You can purchase the pack and hold off on implementing it till you find a spriter. Please note the majority of spriters will charge, and we've included additional info on how the sprites should look, as well as a list of community spriters here. Any deal made with them is separate. We aim to add custom purchases in the next hotfix or major patch.
This will allow you to add your very own 8x8 or 16x16 emote, and choose the name of it. You will be able to use it in chat. You will be gifted two tradable unlockers.
Allows you to add your own 8x8 or 16x16 pet sprite to the game. This is a great way to support Valor, and get your very own exclusive pet. You will have the ability to get a Generator on two different accounts. Like all pets, this is multi-use.
Allows you to add your own 8x8 Skin and dyemasks to the game. You will receive two unlockers, for both your main & elite, or you and a friend! This will perm unlock the skin on a class of your choice.
We're bringing back old and a few new packs exclusively for this Black Friday weekend. Most likely last time you'll see these packs!
These are game packs. They rotate in and out of the store depending on the season. To redeem a pack after purchase run /pack in-game. Every pack is different. Some may be cosmetics, while others may be boost or housing focused.
Apply Unique Names
Historical Declarations are used in the Renamer Menu to apply unique names to Legendary & Ancient Relic items. This grants the item a unique name of your choosing that persists through trades and displays to all other users. x5